Use the “Quantity” field at the top of the scheduling section of the events page. It’s not super intuitive but it’s the best that our booking platform, Acuity, can do right now.
As space is limited and demand is high, please cancel as soon as you possibly can. We do not offer refunds for donations as it adds work for our volunteer-run space; feel free to rebook for $0 using our BeWelcome code.
No. We are open by appointment only, and only serve tea during the ceremonies. If you are wanting to come by the shop for teaware and tea items only you can try to arrive 15 minutes after a ceremony ends. We love to share our tea and teaware and please keep in mind that the person serving you is a volunteer.
Boulder Tea Hut is by appointment only and the directions are in your booking confirmation email. We are in Central Boulder.
We do not expect you to know all this, and you will learn it naturally by participating in more tea ceremonies.
The Way of Tea is a practice of reverence, and Tea can guide us to a deep connection with Self and Source. Come with subdued elegance so as to honor the Tea but not distract from Her.Please do not come with perfume or having just washed your hair with scented shampoo.
In your manners, a Daoist go-with-the-flow. We begin all ceremonies with at least three bowls in silence, but Tea Ceremony needn’t always be quiet: sometimes Tea calls for laughter as well.
In the event that we have two rows of guests, the row in front should pass the bowls back and forth to the row behind them, placing the bowl on the floor rather than putting it into the receiver’s hands.
If you are asking this question you likely have never had teas like we will serve you. We recommend you give them a try, and listen to your body. If you have needs around this, please communicate with your server beforehand.
Usually yes. The amounts vary dramatically, and caffeine is only one of a huge range of active compounds inside of Tea, including several calming compounds such as Theanine (the “God chemical”). In aged Teas the caffeine has often broken down to nonexistent. There are varieties of Tea that have no caffeine. If you are particularly caffeine sensitive please let us know beforehand. Caffeine is significantly steeped out in the first three steepings and one can reduce caffeine intake by foregoing the first two or three bowls, while still having a full experience thereafter.